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  • Zhanele May Africano

Election season is nearing: here’s how to tell who deserves your vote

by Zhanele May Africano

As early as now, election plans for the national and local positions are gradually being disclosed. Eight months from now, we will again be hearing election jingles, stump speeches, advertisements, and other campaigning gimmicks.

But more than the catchy songs and promises, how do we evaluate and select the ones worth voting?

In our current political climate, it is crucial to elect candidates who are genuinely for the masses and are of constant service to their respective offices, not those with selfish interests. To help you weed out who those might be, here are a few tips:

1. Learn what issues need to be addressed

It is helpful to look back and focus on the country's current situation. COVID-19 cases in the country are still increasing. As of June 4, 2021, according to Herd Immunity PH, there is a total of 4.16 percent vaccinated of the 140 million required doses for herd immunity.

The current rate predicts we can only achieve herd immunity in three years. This will probably be the first massive task of the future elected. The pandemic also revealed, more than ever, the country’s crumbling healthcare system.

It is thus more than necessary that the country’s future leaders honor science, particularly the health sciences. The ones who prioritize the people's welfare and invest in developing the institutions concerned must be considered.

Over on the education sector, almost four million students did not enroll for the current school year, according to data from the Department of Education (DepEd). A significant rise in dropout rates has been recorded because of the difficulties of flexible learning.

The resources and quality of mental and physical health necessary to perform and cope with the demands of the current setup are vital concerns. The government must curb these massive dropout numbers. The quality of education and the accessibility of schools should be a priority, too. Candidates vying for a position in the next elections must have swift and concrete plans for these education issues.

Finally, there are still threats posed to Filipino fisherfolk in the West Philippine Sea, mostly due to the continuing territorial dispute of the Philippines and China. This is a challenge for all would-be leaders to fight for the country's people and sovereignty.

Extrajudicial killings, police brutality, press freedom, unemployment and poverty rates are also hot issues in the country right now. Politicians who recognize that these issues should be resolved deserve their names shaded in the ballot.

2. Scrutinize your candidates

The next step is to research each candidate.

If they have official websites or public profiles, it will be easy to check past achievements, work experience and advocacies. Apart from these, they will certainly have interviews and speeches uploaded on the internet.

A thorough background check will help in learning and assessing their takes on specific issues. Additionally, these materials will reveal their interpersonal skills, attitudes and even motivation for service.

Near-impossible promises and smear campaigns are trademarks of dirty politicians. Candidates who actively avoid talking about pressing issues or support problematic behavior are essentially giving us a sneak peek of what is to come once they are in office.

3. Discuss these with voters you know

After researching and evaluating them yourself, discuss these with your friends, colleagues, and families.

This will help in encouraging support for the deserving candidates and raising awareness on specific issues that need to be addressed by the next administration.

Beyond simply voting, votes should also be cast wisely. They should be made to count for the best men and women for the job of running the country; which is why Filipinos should start choosing as early as now who deserves their votes, and educating others to do the same.

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