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  • Gwen Marie De Leon

Joke’s on us

by Gwen Marie De Leon

Despite the tension in the West Philippine Sea and the hundreds of Filipino fishermen continuously threatened by Chinese forces, President Rodrigo Duterte further disheartened the nation with his claim that the promise he made in 2016 to defend our territory was only a joke, a show of “bravado” during his campaign. He even went so far as to call the people who believed him, the same people who trusted and put their bets on his display of bravery "stupid.”

To give out a false promise is one thing, but to mock the masses who believed him is quite another.

After receiving criticism because of his silence on the issue of Chinese vessels in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), President Duterte responded and insisted that he never made a promise of pressuring China during his campaign-- something we know is completely false.

In the presidential debate in 2016 held at the University of Pangasinan, Duterte was asked by a fisherman named Carlo Montehermozo of his plans regarding the invasion of China in WPS if he were to win as president.

The question of the 37-year-old fisherman is rooted from the harassment he and his peers experienced from the Chinese coastguards dominating Philippine waters and compromising their primary means of living.

Duterte daringly answered that he would ride a jetski, plant the Philippine flag in the Scarborough Shoal and assert sovereignty. Now five years later, he reveals that it was only part of a publicity stunt during his campaign, probably as a way to flatter Filipino voters.

Last May 13, House speaker Lord Allan Velasco defended the president and said that the joke was only about the jet ski and not about defending Philippine territory.

However, joking about something very serious reveals Duterte’s indifference to the struggle for safety and space of many Filipino fishermen in the WPS. Using his machismo to gain the trust of the people is just brutal exploitation of their difficult situation and helplessness.

In an interview with Inquirer, Montehermozo admitted that he was upset by Duterte's revelation. He said that he did not actually expect him to ride the jet ski, but he did expect protection for himself and his fellow Filipino fishermen.

He also said that nothing has changed for them since then. They still sail the seas at risk of harassment by foreigners.

This was not the only time that Duterte made such a bold pledge and failed to accomplish it.

During a press briefing in Puerto Princesa, Palawan in April 2017, he said he would go to Pag-asa Island, one of the largest in the Kalayaan Island Group (Spratlys), on Independence Day and raise the Philippine flag. However, a week later, he cancelled the trip because he said China told him not to.

In 2018, he swore that he would go to the Philippine Rise, formerly known as Benham Rise, to stress the Philippines’ rights in the area.

Instead, his son Sebastian ‘Baste’ Duterte, and his wingman Senator Bong Go went around in jet skis in the undisputed waters of Casiguran Bay, Aurora.

Over the years, Duterte has publicly manifested how his interest in keeping close ties with China has affected his attitude toward defending the West Philippine Sea.

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana later revealed that Duterte told him he does not want to hurt China’s feelings, further explaining his withdrawal to the Pag-asa Island visitation.

The president also said that although he refuses to withdraw Philippine military forces in WPS, he does not want to go to war with our “good friend” China.

Recently, on May 17, Duterte admitted that Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned him “there will be trouble,” if he pursues plans of digging oil in WPS.

Not only is it disappointing, but it is a major stab in the back to the vulnerable Filipino fishermen in WPS and to the whole country for the president to turn against his duty of protecting the people and the country’s sovereignty.

Disappointing would be a kind description of what Filipinos everywhere are feeling. For a President whose entire campaign and rise to power was fueled by the promise of protecting his countrymen, Duterte has yet to do good on many of his promises.

While the president remains careful not to taint his relationship with China, we Filipinos are left defenseless while being robbed of our lands and seas. The time for jokes and promises has long passed. It is time to get serious. The country needs a real and assertive leader now more than ever; for as long as we continue to believe a man who continues to clown around and then calls us fools for trusting him, we will always be the butt of the joke.

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